Color Association

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Red is often associated with anger, more than any other color. However, some people associate this color with love.

Most empaths consider red to be a bad color, a sign of something negative either about the person, or a negative experience they have had in the past.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Orange is a difficult color to interpret, because there has never been anything traditional known to be associated with it.

Most empaths find that orange can mean just about anything, but typically it is a very good color to see in someone and always means something positive.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Yellow is an interesting color, both a warm and cold color. Tradition says that yellow is associated with cowardice.

Most empaths agree that yellow displays a neutral emotion - like cowardice - as opposed to a positive or negative emotion like happiness or sadness.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 

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Green has been shown to mean envy or occassionaly sickly in the past, but now it is used mostly as a symbolic color. Green has shown up as being the color of money, and is often used as a Celtic color.

Most empaths do not have a specific meaning for the color green. It can be both a positive or a negative color depending on the shade of green.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Blue is well known as being a calming color, with a calming effect on others. Many people believe in it's calming effects because it is the color of the sky and of the ocean.

Most empaths agree that this color always represents a positive feeling or emotion, and that it is always a bright and cheerful color to see.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Purple is a color often associated with royalty - "royal purple". Some people also link it to calming effects, and in the past some people have also associated it with anger.

Most empaths are conflicted with this color. They typically allow their own feelings about this color to determine what it means.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 

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Pink is seen as a girly color by most, and is represented as being a color of love very often. Different shades of it can represent different things.

To empaths, pink is usually a positive color, meaning health, love, or joy. No one with ill intent will ever have pink in their aura, so many empaths also see it as trust.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Tan is seen simply as a lighter version of brown, and it's a common fabric color. People don't really associate it with anything.

To empaths, tan is seen as a logical color, usually representing smart and sensible people.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at


Brown has never had much of a meaning except "earth". It is an earth tone and a sensible color, and people use it as such.

Most empaths would be confused if they saw the color brown. Brown is a color that rarely shows up in auras, and could indicate something is wrong.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 

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For as long as anyone can remember, white has the meaning of purity - a white wedding dress, for example.

Most empaths see white as a symbol not of purity, but of hope. It normally shows up as a positive color.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Gray is an interesting color. It is a "blah" color, yet at the same time a pretty color. People use it for accents.

Empaths tend to agree that gray is a depressing color when seen in an aura, and can indicate certain mental or emotional problems.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 


Black...the color of death. The sign of witchcraft. So it has been seen for years, so much that people can't see it any other way.

It is true that when seen in an aura, black could represent death. However, black is always in a person's aura so is not usually required to have a meaning.

The meaning of this color, and any color, can change easily with your opinion of the color and the opinion about this color of the person whose aura you are looking at. 

Mixed Colors

If there is no option above, you are most likely seeing a mixed color, or an uncommon color. Mixed colors can be a spring green or a light red, to name two examples. For anyone experienced with colors they should be fairly easy to pick out. Uncommon colors are colors such as maroon, silver, and gold. These colors often reflect a person's personality, or it can be their special color that they associate with you (these only would show up in close friends or family, most likely). If that is the case you would be the only one who can see that color on them.

In general, warm colors often indicate a gift of some kind, and usually there is a different color for each gift. The only on that has been identified so far is a red-orange for empaths. It appears that all colors for gifts are a type of mixed color, instead of a basic color.
